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NatureHub connect you with 50+ healthy and ethical businesses with 1000+ products
Hi Everyone, Welcome to LIV! We are a small, family owned, Maine-based brand on a mission to remind people to simply LIV(e)! We currently offer handcrafted, premium Superfood Latte Mixes and Superfood Essentials. Our small batch produced Latte Ble...
I was a stay at home mom, with degrees in biology and nutrition, and all was well and peachy in the land. Until, my youngest developed eczema; the kind of eczema that makes the child miserable all day and keeps the whole family awake at night. I con...
Working with beekeepers, farmers and young entrepreneurs, we are helping to provide alternative sources of income that are kinder to the land and people. We exist to enable communities to thrive by developing unrealized human potential to free people...
We are a team of earth-focused creatives based in Atlanta, Ga tasked with the purpose of healing ourselves, our communities, and this planet. By providing sustainable remedies for personal and communal wellness to heal the earth and humanity simultan...
Marigoldbub was created to make the ancient science of Ayurveda* easy to understand, relatable, and applicable into the daily lives of busy parents. Our intention is to offer authentic exceptional products created with your family’s wellbeing in mind...
We Specialize in Providing, Natural-Based, Herbalist-Crafted Products from the Best and Carefully Selected Sources on Earth. Our Products are 100% Plant-Based, Free of Synthetic Chemicals/Toxins, and Environmentally Friendly. We take a clear and mode...
Shopping locally, sustainably, and ethically-made goods through NatureHub helps small businesses stay in business
Did you know the average conscious consumer is only aware of 20% of the clean, green, ethical brands near them? NatureHub is here to help you find them
Support local brands that share your values and strive to make the world a kinder, safer, and greener place
We strongly believe in supporting good, green, and local producers, so we created a platform where conscious consumers can shop for healthy and eco-friendly food and essentials directly from small businesses.
Join us today and start selling your products on NatureHub Marketplace!